A Dehuman Catechism

The following is a transcript of an interview conducted by Bek Hamelin, a particularly talented young student sent my way by one of my treasured fellow travelers, Dr. Rua Williams. I haven't edited these terribly much, and as I post this, I'm running on about two…

Pinning the dehuman

I'm sure it's not the done thing to preemptively call dibs on concepts that I'd like to write about, so as to preserve their novelty in amber until I can get around to them. So I'm not doing that. What this is,…

Now that NaNo is dead, can we admit it should never have lived?

For the uninitiated (and I am sorry to be the one to initiate you) NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an online competition festival community event in which people who want to be people who have written a novel put fifty thousand words into a file, then have that…